Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Where's the break?

I really had hoped that December would not require a whole lot of effort, including work. Not that I don't like to work, because I actually do like many aspects of my job, but just that I was looking forward to a break. Work has been running full steam ahead for quite some time and it is just ...well... busy. I guess I am looking for a break from the hectic ways of the outside world. I suppose one could say the time for a break is a vacation day or days and I would tend to agree with that ;). However, I suppose that after the year that has gone by with the ups and downs of almost everything I could close it out with a little relaxation.

Now, I can't really complain 100% as I do have the week of Christmas off. I mean, when was the last time I took Christmas off? I simply can not remember! I have always worked the full week, or at least a partial week and have rarely been able to truly disconnect from what I have going on at work when I have been on vacation. For the most part, I have been okay with that. I know I need to keep on top of things at work and sometimes that means doing the extra stuff to get the job done, even if that means working more than one would like at times. However, I keep asking myself what is different about this Christmas.

I think I have more work life balance now than ever before in my life. I REALLY enjoy my life at home and the time I spend outside of work recently has been putting me in a very different place than where I have been. I look forward to the evenings at home more than I have in a very long time. I think I might have forgotten what it was like to really enjoy home life and it is like I found it again. I am happy, some days more than others, but I am happy. I love spending time with the kids and Jason every day and life is well.. good!

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