Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Game

So close to the ending the year, but yet it seems like there is so much more to do before we close it out.

I am already reflecting back on my year and asking myself what I have really done? I have gone to school for what seems to be nonstop - taking more courses than I ever have at once since I started back to university, made some life changes and just tried to keep things on track the best I could. Was it enough? Did I achieve the kind of results I was really looking for? Not sure yet, but I think things are moving in the right direction. I am planning on graduating in May and it looks like this is more than a slight possibility and work, well, is work - and coming along at about the same pace as previously noted at some point in this blog :0)

I have had some real challenges lately though, grappling quite a bit at what I want out of life. Specifically the important questions that you tend to take lightly when you are younger, but weigh on your mind heavily as you get a tad bit older. This is because you begin to realize there are clearly foundational walls being built, even when you are not paying attention. The kind of thoughts that can really do a number on you because each of those options/avenues require their own separate set of decisions and go forward plan. The only comfort I have is in knowing that the choices I make now are reflective of the information I have on hand now, in the present day. I do the most with what I have and have to believe in myself. That is it.

Generally, I like to know what will happen and try to set a course in the direction that best fits the end result and this is where the contemplation comes in. I wish at some level I could be a bit more care free in my undertaking in this game, but even with my best effort I lean on the knowing.

Either way, life moves on without much stopping it and we continue to take a path we either chose or happen to just go down. The important thing I suppose is to make sure the people around you are a positive support in whatever comes your way.

Here's to having faith in ourselves today on how we will influence tomorrow.

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