Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Week Ending October 13th

Strange title don't you think? I thought it was representative of how this week is going for me though. I am flying out to Ottawa in the morning and into Toronto for Friday morning from Ottawa and it seems as though the week for me is almost at an end .....an end of getting any actual work done that is.

It is funny how when you go away(off site) to work, you find yourself doing alot of everything except actual work that contrbitues to anything, but interesting conversation. I find that happens when you are going to customer sites and then flying off to work at an office you would not normally be at. Even with the best intentions there is the the impossibility of finding time other than at night to getting work completed if you are at a customer site all day. When you are offsite at another location working there is always the shuffling around trying to find a workstation to plug your laptop into...although I am sure the IBM office in Markham is wireless now, at least the section I am going to be at.

That is one good thing about these days.....there are alot of "flexi-stations" that you can park yourself at. I think the thing I dislike the most about travel though is the airports and the lay overs. I would be so happy if the airports would implement wireless technology, or at least Flexi-Stations so people could at least be productive while they are waiting around for their flight. I know some do have this for a fee, but at the TO airport it is only available to those who are members of the extravagant "Maple Leaf" room, which very disheartening. I never seem to get myself organized enough to get the points applied properly to my account to allow myself access to the lavish room..or least that is what you think when you are at the Tim Horton's close by trying to see if you can pick up some sort of faint signal from the wireless room upstairs...by the way YOU CAN'T!

For some reason I started my blog first tonight. Maybe because posting to my blog is the easiest part of the assignment? Maybe because I enjoy this part of the assignment the most? Hard to say really......but one thing is for sure...I better get to my concept map right now!

Anyways, I always have good intentions to post here more often, but of course...those are just good intentions. However, I can honestly say that I look forward to posting to this site on Tuesday afternoons as I think about the assignment I need to get handed in that night.

Till next week....live long and prosper!


Anonymous said...

I was reading a Terry Pratchet book and in it,one of his characters is in hell. When he looked down, the words under his feet said things like, "I will visit my Mom more", "I will eat better", "I will get my homework done sooner". As we all know, the road to hell is paved in good intentions ;)

Anonymous said...

Is that fire I feel under my feet?