Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Summer time is upon us!

It is here, summer time that is. I looked forward to this summer for many reasons. When I was a child I remember enjoying the summer days by swimming in the pools close to my home. We had great community pools that all the children frequented and spent the entire summer jumping and diving into them and socializing around. I even remember making hiking trails in the woods near my house that led to who knows where, cause I don't think we actually ever got to the end as well as making up crazy concoctions such as the finokie fizz...believe me it would have been a hit if we went to market with it! In a nut shell, it was really a great time! In looking back and comparing summer from my childhood days to today, I cringe! Summer now consists of me mostly sitting in my office during the week looking at a white board and a sun with a smiley face made from posterboard placed on a window looking out to a sea of cubicles.

Now, don't get me wrong because there are some great summer time things I have had the opportunity to do this summer such as summer time walks, BBQing and just enjoying time with friends. However, the quantity is a far cry from when I was a kid and I am sure you are likely in the same boat. Now, granted I have likely done some of it to myself...or we all have ... by taking on more during the summer time that we would normally have if our lives revolved around swimming or prancing around the neighborhood with or without shoes depending on how we felt. Instead, I have prioritized my life by taking more off/online classes at school during the summer, working for a living :), and just trying to keep the house in order instead of playing all day.

However, even though it makes sense to have such priorities I think many of us forget about spending time just relaxing and being with the people we care about ..I mean really spending time with them. It is easy to get caught up in the business of life and forget what it takes to really enjoy the "good life". I am certain the good life is a bit different for everyone, but if you don't spend the time to explore it by doing different things how can you ever be sure you have achieved it - even when you think you have!

Oh, so midyear to most and a new year to me, I am taking stalk of what I am doing and if I am opening myself up to explore more of what life has to offer to improve every aspect of my life!

Good luck to us all :)

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